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Posts tagged ‘spending’

Choice for Next President Clear and Defined

After two National Conventions the choice for President in November is clear and defined.  The distinction is sharp.  Jobs, economy, education, taxes, health care, environment, foreign policy, security, these decisions, that will define our future and the future of our children and our grandchildren rest in your hands.  We the people; what will we choose?

The Choice is Distinct

During the RNC we heard Mitt Romney say President Obama knows nothing about business.  We heard him repeatedly imply American‘s are not better off than they were four years ago and he would do better.  We heard his wife Ann Romney say “I can’t tell you what will happen over the next four years.  But I can only stand here tonight…..and make you this solemn commitment: this man will not fail, this man will not let us down, this man will lift up America.

Mitt Romney endorses the Ryan Plan for solving our deficit problem.  The Ryan Plan says tax increases for millionaires are off the table but spending cuts for Medicare and Medicaid are on the table.  Business and balance sheets do not work like that.  Cutting income (taxes on rich) and cutting spending (medicare and medicaid) equals more deficit.  We must increase income (taxes on upper incomes must be on the table) and decrease spending.

I’m a moderate and some conservative ideas I am in favor of.  A religious person, my faith does dictate choices I can make for my family and my life.  However, as a politician, responsible for equality and fairness for the people, I don’t want a politician telling me what happens in my womb, who I can marry, or I don’t deserve health care with a pre-existing condition.

During the DNC we heard President Obama say this election is a choice between two different paths for America.  We heard him talk about 500,000 manufacturing jobs that have been added after a decade of decline. Not letting oil companies write this country’s energy plans…or collect $4 billion in corporate welfare from taxpayers.  We heard him commit to a deficit reduction plan that will reduce the deficit by $ 4 Trillion without wrecking the middle class and working class.  He spoke of a balanced approach of increasing taxes on incomes about $250,000 (the same rate in place when Bill Clinton was President and 23 million jobs were created) and decreasing spending (he has already ended one war that is a decrease in spending).

One plan, the details of which I have only heard…cut taxes on wealthy, deregulate (code for let businesses do what they want) and kick young people and people with pre-existing medical conditions off health care coverages they now have under Obamacare,  turn Medicare into a voucher system is not fiscally or ethically  feasible.

The other path has a chance.  I am better off.  My business bankrupted in 2009.  A real estate developer my project was foreclosed on and money lost.  The slide had started before President Obama took office.  I don’t blame him.  It was through President Obama’s efforts that I was able to get my home loan modified so that I did no lose my business and my home!

There are no perfect politics.  But as Bill Clinton stated in 52 years 28 Republican White Houses and 24 Democratic White houses 66 million private sector jobs were created.  Republicans 24 million, Democrats 42 million.

How dare Mitt Romney stand up in front of the American people ask for their vote and never once thank the men and women in uniform fighting in Afghanistan.   Is he so disconnected he forgot this country is at war?  But the children of the Romney’s and the Bush’s don’t go to war so I guess the sacrifices do not impact him like they do, say, Vice President Biden.

No we are far from where we want to be but just think where we would be if President Obama had not taken the helm to turn a sinking ship around.  It’s a big ship, our ship, and I say steady Captain you will bring us safely to shore.